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Tennis Challenge: Week 1

It’s already been a challenge doing (only) 2-3 hours training daily during the prep weeks. I have moments when I can clearly see progress and then there’s a day where I can barely hit the ball. My legs are in pain and need a solid rest – it’s also because I’ve started doing proper footwork on court and it’s so physically demanding (yes, I used to be one of those players that never moves around).

I’m taking a day off tomorrow and having a sports massage. I’ve earned it! ;-) I’ll take it easy at the weekend, probably only play for an hour and do some stretching. Maybe work on the serve. And walk less (I do an average of 20,000 steps just going around town)

Right, here’s the plan for WEEK 1.

I had to split the on-court training as there’s just no decent court availability in the best (not-so-sunny-and-hot) hours and I’ve got to fit the off-court training around it. Basically 1,5h in the morning and between 1,5 to 2,5 hours in the afternoon during the first week, totalling at 3-4 hours per day and see how I feel at the weekend (Sunday is a planned rest day). I generally prefer training in the afternoon - I’m soooo not a morning person - hence I don’t mind doing more stuff later in the day.

And on top of that, I’ll try to do more meal prep and cook at home (I’m used to going out all the time). I need the right nutrition to keep me sustained for a month. I refuse to go over the top and count every calorie consumed, it’s totally not for me, but I will be making the most effort to eat better to support the daily super hardcore workouts.

Wish me luck (and pretty please donate to my fundraising page for the amazing charity ‘Give It Your Max’, thank you!)


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